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What Does Financial Independence Mean To You?

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Brandon Haumschilt

Message From Our Founder,

Brandon Haumschilt, CFP

Helping someone become financially independent is why I got into this business. As we work side by side to help make a plan and achieve goals, it’s so much more than just another financial plan. We’ve developed a process to work closely with clients that is simple, yet unique. We take time to get to know you and what you want to accomplish. Then from there we get to work on making it possible. The driving force of our team is to always do the right thing for our clients. You only get one retirement, together, let’s make it count.

Our Time-Tested Process.

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Who you are and what you want


In our initial meeting we will go through a proven process that helps us get a clear understanding of who you are and what you want. Out of this we will help you develop meaningful personal goals along with the 5 financial goals we believe are essential to everyone.

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Financial Plan

Create a custom comprehensive financial plan for you.

Financial Plan

Based on who you are and what you want we will develop a custom comprehensive financial plan including detailed action steps in the following categories: Insurance, Estate Planning, Lifetime income, Tax strategies, and a Tailored Asset Allocation investment strategy backed by history.

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We, along with a team of professionals, will work with you to implement your plan.


From the smallest details to the most essential steps we will be with you along the way to make sure the implementation is as easy and enjoyable as possible. In addition to our team, we also have access to leading experts in the tax and estate planning realm we can work alongside to make sure those areas get properly implemented. 

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Review & Monitor

Proven process to stay on top of your plan.

Review & Monitor

Tax laws change, life events happen, and needs evolve. We will be with you along the way. In addition to having a team dedicated to your success. We also get our clients access to cutting edge software that helps them track their plan in real time.